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Professional Development Workshop
Thursday, April 25, 2024, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM PST
Category: Professional Development Series

Professional Development Workshop - Online Session
Presenter: Suzanne Esber

“Developing a Personal Rejuvenation Plan that Helps You Rest, Recharge and Optimize your Best Performance”

How do you take care of yourself and recharge so you are at your best in your work life and home life? In this session we’ll first hear about the emerging studies about wakeful rest and relaxation.  New research shows that relaxation could be as important as sleep. They are learning that when we choose the right activities in the right doses, rest can be a vital process for the optimal functioning of our bodies and minds. We’ll learn about some of those activities including micro breaks and “forest bathing”. Next we’ll explore the implications for us as facilitators and trainers.  You’ll leave this workshop with your own personal plan for ongoing rest and rejuvenation.

Registration for this session is required.  Please click here to register.

ToP Network Members - $10
Nonmembers - $40

Remember to Download this calendar invite to your calendar and add the Zoom link which you will receive in your confirmation email.

Contact: Suzanne Esber